4 Solid Reasons to Keep Your Gutters in Good Health
A roofing gutter is a channel installed on the upper edge of a roof to channel rainwater, snowmelt, and other water runoff away from the building. Roofing gutters are usually made of metal or plastic, which is often coated with a reflective paint.
Preserving your roofing gutter is important in preserving the roof’s lifespan and performance. Here are four solid reasons to keep your gutters in good health.
Protect Your Roof Foundation
Gutters protect your roof’s foundation and dependability by preventing water from entering the building. They do this by directing water to drains that lead outside The drains then release the water into the public drains, preventing it from hitting your property’s foundations and causing massive property damages if left unattended for long periods.
Preserve Your Garden and Lawn
Roof gutters help push rain away from the house. If you have a garden or lawn, roof gutters will help keep it well-watered and green. Rain then doesn't stay on the roof and cause damage, and it also doesn't stay on the ground and cause water to pool, flow over your grass, or cause a mudslide.
Reduce Standing Water On Your Roof
Gutters protect the roof from standing water by collecting it and directing it to a sump. This prevents the weight of the standing water from wearing away the roof's surface. It also keeps the water from pooling on the surface, which can cause mold and rotting.
Protect Your Siding
Roof gutters protect your house's siding from water, debris, and snow. Siding that is not protected can be damaged, which leads to water leaking into the basement or the drywall being torn, which can cause structural damage to your home.
Family Handyman has an excellent list of tips and strategies to keep your roof in top shape at all times. Learn more about them below.
A solid, leak-free roof with good gutters defends your home against the elements. Arm yourself with the knowledge to understand how roofs work and keep your home safe and dry.
Leaky Roof Overview
If you have water stains that extend across ceilings or run down walls, you probably also have a leaky roof. The guesswork lies in finding the leak; the repair is usually pretty easy. We’ve gathered some simple tricks for finding and repairing most of the common types of leaky roofs. But if you live in the Snow Belt and your roof leaks only on warm or sunny winter days, you probably have ice dams. We won’t go into that roof leak repair in this story.
If you have a leaky roof, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re getting a new roof next year. Even over a short time, small leaks can lead to big problems, such as mold, rotted framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation and damaged ceilings. The flashing leak that caused an expensive repair bill was obvious from the ceiling stains for over two years. If the homeowner had dealt with it right away, the damage and subsequent repairs would have been minimal.
How to Find Roof Leaks
When you’re trying to track down a leak, start by looking at the roof uphill from the stains. Look for any roof penetrations first. Items that penetrate the roof lead to most of the common leaks. In fact, open areas of uninterrupted shingles rarely leak, even on older roofs. Penetrations can include plumbing and roof vents, chimneys, dormers or anything else that projects through the roof. They can be several feet above the leak or to either the right or left of it. (Continue reading to learn more here.)
You can always count on us at Slavin Home Improvements to protect your Farmington, CT home’s gutters, roofs, and entire property. Call us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.